CHURCH: 717-336-7600
CCC: 717-336-4007
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As a church of the Cocalico School District, our Pastor participates in (and currently is the facilitator/Chairperson) of the Cocalico Ministerium. The Ministerium is the collective gathering of the pastors and leaders of churches and ministries in the school district. The group gathers once a month to pray for each other and each other's churches, to hear updates on what's happening in our local churches and ministries and learning of opportunities to partner, serve, and work together to address needs within the school district community.
The ministerium has a fund used for the discretionary purposes of assisting people in need in the community. The Ministerium works directly with REAL Life Services in Denver and their Social Worker in financially assisting with rent, fuel, gas, lodging, etc. needs as people work through challenges and struggles in life. Our Mission donations to Cocalico Ministerium go toward this fund and the efforts to help alleviate anxieties and pressures related to financial problems.
The Ministerium also works with the school district food services program to provide Acts of Love Summer Lunches. Various churches coordinate to provide bag breakfasts and lunches for students of the district who might most need and value such food supplies.
St. Johns will work with St. Paul's United Methodist Church of Denver to distribute the lunches at the Denver, Reinholds, and Adamstown Parks on Monday June 20 and Wednesday June 22. If you can help with this, please let Pastor Brad or Bob Kadlubowski know of your availability.